Tuesday, November 2, 2010

“Some Day I’ll Spread My Wings”
By: Erika Moreno
“I’m not a little girl anymore. I want my own life, and yeah, I’m probably going to make mistakes, but they’re my mistakes. I don’t try to hurt anybody or lie or anything, but sometimes I have to just to get what I need.”
These word came from a text in the book “How It Ends,” by Laura Wiess.  These words are used by teenage girls every day. They mean so much. I’ve heard and seen them been used. They affect the parent as much as it affects the teen not having their space. These words might hurt parents, but it also opens their eyes to see that their little princess is growing up. I personally haven’t said them to my parents, but I’m not going to deny that at times I do. Parents need to lie off from time to time, because they sometimes put us under a lot of pressure. They know what it’s like to want space.  Because the little girl is becoming an adult parents must trust themselves that they taught their daughter what’s right and wrong.  From time to time we are going to make mistakes, but what’s the big deal parents do too. I think no matter what, that little girl that once existed is still here just is more mature and very responsible. Parents shouldn’t be as much protective either.  And in a teens life its best to bond now than later because depending a teens situation at home is the choice of staying or leaving everything and everyone behind.

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